
10:54 PM

"But now that you have come to know God,
or rather to be known by God, how is it that
you turn back again to the weak and
worthless elemental things, to which you
desire to be enslaved all over again?"
Galations 4:9
The weak and worthless things
I find so alluring
Not I, but the flesh
Within me pleasuring
Desiring sin - desiring slavery
Why must this be?
My spirit strives against the flesh,
"O! Deliver me!"
Now - more than ever -
I know Your presence
The matchless worth of You
That I've experienced.
Now You - O Great One,
You have known me.
And I am humbled...
How could You regard me?
Human and always wandering
Dust and ever scattering
Flesh and today coming
to lean helplessly...
Upon the Savior.
Redeemer and Rescuer
Helper and Deliverer.
For me, there is no other.

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