Easter in Review
10:30 PMSee that strawberry trifle? Homemade pound cake + real whipped cream + as-fresh-as-you-can-get-in-March strawberries. It was my contribution to Easter dinner on the mountain. Oh yes, and I refer to my parents' house as "the mountain." Because. They live on a mountain. Obviously.
Let me tell you about my parents. They give. I think it's part of their spiritual gifts (seriously). They're very giving people. Like VERY giving people. Like my dad would give you the shirt off his back if he thought you needed it. People say that kinda thing all the time, and they don't really mean it. I have lived 30 years on this earth (hard to believe, eh?) and have seen so many examples of my parents giving their time, their energy, their resources, their home, their stuff, their EVERYTHING to minister to people. It's practical Christianity, y'all. They give, even when people take advantage. They give, even when it's not appreciated. They give, even when people don't see. They give, even when it's inconvenient. They give, even when it's a sacrifice. They give and give and give, and God continues to bless them with more.. which they continue to give. And that, my friends, is how the Body of Christ works.
They give alot of invitations. Not just "oh, we should hang out sometime" vague invitations. They give real-time, right-now, how-bout-tomorrow kind of invitations. It hardly surprises me anymore when I go to the mountain for a visit, and there's like 10 other people. And Easter dinner was no exception. We're talking 25+ people. Take my parents, add at least 3 out of 4 of their adult children (Z&C, we missed you!!), plus families, plus the Easter holiday tradition of inviting our pastor & family (going on 17 years tradition. BOOYAH), plus his grown daughter & family, plus my little brother's in-laws & our good friends, plus some folks just moved up from Texas that my dad met through work, plus my mom's cousin working in the area.
It was LOUD, and vibrant, and crazy. There was conversation and children underfoot and all around. There was food everywhere (note to self: always stop the Kitchenaid before adding sugar to the cream you're whipping. #justsayin), people everywhere and lots of fun.
Food. Family. Friends. Fellowship. Fun.
And one dog.
Hi Cowboy. You're great. ;)
Living, He loved me
Dying, He saved me
Buried, He carries my sins far away
Rising, He justified
Freely forever
One day, He's coming
O glorious day! O glorious day!
One of the songs we sang on Easter morning church. It was on my heart all day long. Even through the food and the laughter and the basketball watching and all of that, there is one thing that makes Easter amazing.
That Jesus loved me. Because of His love, He did the impossible. He died and then came alive. He was victorious. He IS victorious! And He's coming again!
O glorious day!
Historic house at Curtin Village on the drive home.