Status Report

6:40 PM

Youth Group - This past weekend, we had a prayer retreat. Great time spent worshipping the Lord and seeking His face. And always a good time spending large amounts of time together.... laughing at the middle schoolers, passing around pictures, laughing at the Sparkly Girl now called "Gimpy" and anything The Witty Kid says. And The Hazel-Eyed Girl's mom makes the BEST danish ever!

The Party of the Year - Or so it's called. The Little Bro is turning 18 and his birthday party is a costume party. Costume mania is taking over!! Like I didn't see that coming.

The Apartment - The Mom, The Little Bro and I spent several hours last night staining kitchen cabinets. There was "Dark Walnut" colored stain dripping off my hands. It felt creepily similar to blood. Be afraid. Be very afraid... ANYway, last week I purchased a very beautiful sofa for the apartment. The week before, I found a lovely chair. Now I'm in the midst of deciding on countertop. My bookbag is now full of paint samples and countertop samples. Unfortunately, several books had to leave the bag for those to fit. Next decision: Carpet. *sigh* But I am really glad things are moving along so well.

Vacation - The family and I are leaving tomorrow for a relatively short vacation to Bar Harbor, Maine. To say I'm excited would be a massive understatement. My attempts at nature photography will now have a more picturesque scope. The ocean and a incredibly huge antique bookstore is calling my name. "What are men compared to rocks and mountains?" :)

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