Snowy Weekend in the Cottage

11:14 PM

Snow. Big shocker there... or maybe it wasn't. Here in Pennsylvania, we know that March comes in like a lion. While last winter was as calm and mostly snow-less, this winter has been chock-full of the white stuff. I feel like Brandon has truly experienced the Pennsylvania seasons. This March has been no exception. I woke up on Saturday morning and pull back the curtains to see white stuff gently falling. A little later, we were enjoying a morning cup of coffee in the living room (we only use our living room on Saturday mornings!) and there sat Caspian the kitty. He has a perfect position on top of a chair with his little face in between the curtains so he can watch the snow fall--- or the ducks that reside across the street by the little creek. Those ducks should be grateful that he is an indoor kitty, because I know that there are some hunting/murderous thoughts going through his furry head.

Our weekend was restful and pleasant and full of all things normal & good. I am endeavoring to focus on the task at hand, instead of the task ahead, as I'm prone to do. When you have a to-do list as long as mine and the task-oriented personality to go with in, enjoying the moments isn't something that comes naturally. 1 Timothy 6:6 says that "godliness with contentment is great gain." Every task that I do is for a purpose, and if I am working to the Lord (whether it be menial things or the more commonly thought of as spiritual tasks), I am being obedient. I am being godly. Even when I am folding laundry and packing lunches and making the bed again, my soul can rest in Christ. Because I am fulfilling His will. I can enjoy these moments. In this season of college and busy-ness and little time and very-focused jobs, I am slowing my heart down and trying to live in today. Not tomorrow. Not the distant future. God has given me today, and I will rejoice in it. Today is a beautiful day.

I cleaned off my bedside table (reality check: it already has 3 more books than this + 3 coffee mugs, a water glass, a camera, nail polish remover and a cell phone) and noted what I'm reading these days. Dreaming about travel, thinking on hymn lyrics, enjoying one of the best Christian fiction authors ever, finally reading the book version of North & South (British novel of one of my favorite movies!), always Valley of Vision, stretching my mind by finishing this book on writing, and getting out Celebration of Discipline again. It happens to be in my "top 8" books. I am really looking forward to this rereading, because I borrowed Brandon's version. I write notes in mine, so sometimes it is nice to have a fresh copy for a reading with fresh eyes. 
Our Sunday was delightful. Look at this new sign that a friend gave us? She thought of us and brought it to us at church, and we were both just so blessed by the generosity. I was so excited that I hung it on the kitchen wall right after getting home from church. Every time I see it, I smile because it's so US and I get a little warm & fuzzy inside. I love that our house is becoming our home. Since I already owned this little house, and then we got married and Brandon moved in, I love the process of it morphing into "our" place. I have a slightly unorthodox method to decorating --- basically do nothing for a year, then UN-decorate a few rooms by removing all pictures, then add some curtains or recover a seat, and even though it's a really miniscule adjustment, because the rest of the house is so bare, you will think it's a whole new world! 

Monday brought us another crazy winter snowstorm. Brandon has been able to work from home, so we spent the evening cozied up with our laptops in bed. Being warm and comfy makes life better. Brandon's answer to the snowstorm was making "snow drinks!" Fill a glass with snow, add a few tablespoons of sugar, a few drops of vanilla, pour in the milk, mix, mix, mix... and enjoy!!

I was hesitant to drink it, because I was feeling freeezing cold... but it was refreshing! We used to make a version of this when I was a kid, but we called it "snow ice cream." Other snow traditions (from my early childhood in Texas) was my dad spinning 'donuts' in parking lots with the cars and from my later years in Pennsylvania, endless snow shovelling that always ended well because we went out to eat. :D That's me -- will work for food!

What are your snow traditions? 

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