Retreat In Review

6:45 AM

Nearly 48 hours spent in the company of teenagers and youth leaders. In the mountains. No cell service. No television. No indoor plumbing. Welcome to the youth retreat—Pennsylvania (rustic) style!

Our time together looked something like this… sleep, eat food, read the Bible, play UNO, worship, pray, eat food, hear the Word preached, take a nap, read a book, play something outside, look at the creek, swing, take pictures, hear the Word (again), eat more, sit by the campfire, wash dishes, sleep, worship, talk about God and life and many such interesting things.

My favorite moments:
-Sitting on the floor Friday night and playing random music on the little keyboard. Mostly 20 different kinds of organ… Including, but not limited to: jazz, The Wedding March and circus organ parade music. Yeah, the circus music was my favorite!
-Re-enacting Fireproof jokes & pranks. “Pile on (The Sparkly Girl)!!!” And the warnings that follow, “Don’t put those pictures on facebook!”
-Wading through a freezing-cold river. I have an irrational fear of heights, and just couldn't make myself cross on the "cable bridge." Crazy and funny.
-Laying on the ground late in the evening, viewing brilliant stars and listening to sounds of the rippling stream waters. What ambiance.
-Spontaneous conversations that happen because you have nothing else to do, but be social with your brothers and sisters in Christ. :)
-Weird quotes... "Hygiene stinks," "Comancheros!" "I am a camel," .... funny youth people. :)
-Instructive times in the Word, intense times of prayer and wonderful times of worship.

Retreats rock!

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