Roomie Retreat in Review

11:17 AM

Over the weekend, my two roomies, my mom and I retreated to the rustic cabin in the mountains for some rest & relaxation. And reading. And riotous laughter. And ridiculously good food... And I will now attempt to avoid alliterations... :)

Quotes & Other Fun Memories:

Making mountain pies over the gas burners of a stove. Because it was raining outside. And campfires in the rain would be wayyyy too rustic for us. :) Pizza, toasted cheese, cherry or purple-berry mountain pies.

"It's nice having your own personal mom." -Me

Reading... napping... reading... thinking... reading...

"Drat! I will do penance for a half hour because of that." -Me
"I can tell you read alot of old books." -The Golden Girl

While enjoying the ambiance of a dusky spring evening by the flickering light of a campfire:
"What are you thinking about?" -The Mom
"My laptop." -Me
(Because you can get the people away from technology, but can't get the technology away from the people).

While walking down an old country road admiring the cabins:
"Man, I wish I (in my mind: lived by a stream)... Oh, I am such an IDIOT!"
Yes, I live by a stream. Right by a stream! Apparently, I should open my windows more often to listen to the sounds of creek waters!

"I come with my own background music."
"I come with my own sound effects."
"I come with my own movie quotes."
Yes, I really do. Hence the reason I said these things!

Faces smeared with toasted marshmallow stickiness, chirping conversation with a chipmunk (I have a fascination with small animals), Killer UNO, three girls taking hundreds of self-portraits at the same time, taking pictures on the road... Because I always wanted to do that. I just said, "PLEASE tell me if a car is coming!", doing nails and straightening hair, silliness before sleep, and an early morning rush in bleary-eyed sleepy silence to get to church on time!

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