The Music in My Head

11:05 AM

There seems to be a song, many songs, on continuous loop in my head throughout the days. Sometimes it’s a little annoying, especially when I’m in a place where singing and humming and whistling are not socially acceptable. Like the office! Or Walmart. And sometimes, I subconsciously revert to the same song 20 times throughout one day—which makes me wanna smack my head against the wall! But at least they are good, Christ-glorifying songs!! There are worse things to have stuck in your head.

Be exalted in the heavens and the earth… O come let us adore Him… MY GOD, He shall do valiantly; It is He who will tread down the enemies… Christmas makes me wanna worship Jesus… There will be a day with no more tears… It was my sin that held Him there,until it was accomplished… Jesus, You are my firm foundation!…

“…Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs.”
James 5:13

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