Weeping May Endure

11:03 PM

I spent last night wrapped in four blankets, huddled shivering on the living room couch with a mug of steaming hot cocoa gripped in my almost-frozen fingers. All because I ran out of heating oil. Long story. It is yet another drama in home-ownership.*Sigh* I believe my thermostat read 49 degrees. SO COLD!!!! And cold is misery. And there were some tears of frustration…

By this evening, my house is warm and cozy. And I can’t even clearly remember the cold and pain and aggravation that, just 24 hours ago, seemed all-consuming. Last night’s troubles are far, far away… As I thought about all these happenings, the Lord used my tendency to forget painful experiences, to remind me of something important:

“…Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.”
Psalm 30:5

Just like a woman mesmerized by her beautiful baby—the pain of childbirth is a small price to pay. Just like a bride captivated by her husband—the years of waiting are a distant memory.

“In this, you greatly rejoice, even though now, for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials…”
1 Peter 1:6

Our lives will have seasons of affliction, persecution, crushing pressure, etc. 1 Peter 4:12 says that we should not be surprised by the fiery trials that come upon us. But we ought to rejoice! So I say, brothers and sisters, take courage! Though things are difficult now, the season will come to an end. And our looking-back will not be reliving the pain of yesterday, but rather, rejoicing in the comfort of today.

To all those weighted down by the burdens of today, Christ will bear it for you!

To every single man or woman discouraged by the lack of prospects on the horizon, seemingly blinded to the leading of the Lord, struggling with your feelings and self-will, helpless to do anything but trust, just know that your Father has pre-seen your need and provided for you!

To every soul feeling the fire of affliction, melting in the heat of testing… To each one with chaff going up in flames—and it seems that nothing remains in your life but Jesus… He is enough. More than enough.

To every heart believing in faith for the promises of God to be realized, while doubt rears its ugly head and threatens to drown you, just remember that faith is, by definition, believing what you can’t see. And God’s promises never fail.

To the one overwhelmed by the darkness, lift your eyes to the Sunrise! The greatest darkness is just before dawn. There is hope—always—only—found in Christ alone!

And even if our lives cannot guarantee perfection or happiness or comfort or all our wishes coming true, it doesn’t matter. Because one day—that great and glorious day—all our tears will be wiped away. Our joy will be made complete. This is our Blessed Hope: Christ is coming!!!

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