Vacation in Review

6:45 AM

A few friends and I trekked to northern Virginia for time with friends and a little sightseeing... And here are a few highlights! :)

Getting my own house key! :-D I had to give it back eventually…

Many laughing moments about cows, failed polygraphs and an exploding kitchen.

Chanting “Adventures in Odyssey” information in unison.

The magnetic force of a piano in the house that we stayed.

Humid sweet-smelling jungle flowers at the National Botanical Garden

Awesome whispering trick in the Capital building.

Our favorite eating place. *cough* ZEPH’s favorite eating place—Mimi’s Café!

Soooooo… what are we doing?”

The reality of God’s presence during Tuesday night prayer

Low-toned conversations about spiritual things.

A police escort to the Pentagon. I joke not.

Losing badly—dismally—horribly at video games… and being okay with that.

Planner idiocy (mine) about tour time scheduling.

Finally understanding my ridiculous cell phone – Thanks to the Raven-Haired Girl!

Hawaiian coffee and conversation at the dining room table Sunday afternoon.

A vacation with a constant stream of church meetings, good teaching of the Word and spiritual life. Kind of like a caffeine IV. Spiritual refreshment flowing straight into my veins! Now THAT is what a vacation should be!!!

“Hay, hay, hay!” ahahahahaha…

Sludging around DC in the rain and mud.

Misty view of the Potomac River from Mount Vernon.

Everything I learned about history, I learned from National Treasure.”

The newbie winning at Apples to Apples. Grrr. My cards were horrible!

Obsessive sniffing of fragrances at HomeGoods.

Girlie time and “The Inheritance!”

Tiptoeing upstairs after late nights with friends from church.

The odd experience of worshipping without playing the keyboard… my hands were free, yet always tapping and moving.. sorry to the unfortunate people standing beside me!

The corn bag that smelled like… HOT CORN… Go figure.

More texting than ever!

What’s your goal for 2009?” Virginians think the same as Pennsylvanians. ;-)

Think ghetto pizza, gunshots and a little Mexican guy hopping over puddles.

Loud musical singalongs while driving! “Side-by-side, driving the same highway…”

Resting on marble steps in the Library of Congress.

We were close to a former president! In a limo. Two blocks away. Ah yes, our brush with fame.

Meeting a certain ADORABLE little baby boy!

Rain falling down my face… soaking my jeans… refreshing my soul.

Testimonies of God’s grace, His power and faithfulness at almost every turn.

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