Things I Learned...

6:29 AM

Things I Learned About being a Youth Leader while on the Youth Camp Trip:

  • Pack for two people or three or a crowd, 'cause you're not a *real* youth leader unless at least two people end up wearing your clothes, using your shampoo or eating your food.
  • No matter how many times you announce an important fact, someone will not remember it.
  • You will get less sleep than anyone else, and the youth will wonder why you're tired.
  • Sometimes the best answer to a question is silence.
  • Fake it 'til you make it. Meaning, smile and act like you know what you're doing, even when you have no clue!
  • Insist on togetherness... Youth meets lots of great people at camp, but they gotta go home with the ones in their own Body (Church). Cuz that's how God planned it.
  • Expect the best; Prepare for the worst. And the registration people will love you.
  • Embrace the YLIC title (pronounced Why-lick), meaning "Youth Leader In Charge," because nobody understands that you bear the youth pastor's responsibility without the title.
  • Impromptu dorm room meetings are often the most vulnerable and powerful times.
  • Craziness = Good Times!
  • Remember: You are not the parent. If no harm to them or someone else is involved, the default answer is "yes."
  • Share the love, aka. cafeteria food. "Anybody got an extra hash brown? Anybody want this dinner roll?"
  • Cell phones are the devil. Ban them. (Invoke Jim Elliot's quote "Wherever you are, be all there!")
  • Walkie talkies are a gift from heaven. Tired while driving? Sing at the top of your lungs for the benefit and humor of the other van!
  • Smile, smile, smile! Happy smiles, euphoric smiles, tired smiles and crazy smiles.
  • Be devoted to God. And make time for everyone else to be devoted, too.
  • Thank the Lord daily for the privilege of ministering to His youth.

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